Erin Cork Woolfolk

Erin in 2011

Erin has 3 connections to the Material Revival group.  Her undergrad degree in art education is from University of Missouri where she studied with Jo Stealey.  Her MFA in studio art/textiles was earned at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville where Laura Strand was her professor.  And finally, Erin worked with Pat Vivod for 2 summers during grad school to learn about Pat's natural dye printing and rusting methods.

Erin's website:

You can find an interview I did with Erin in 2011 on Pat's personal blog Sentimental Pentimento.

In 2011 when the collaboration group met, Erin selected a weaving from Laura Strand.  She transformed and distorted it with wet felting to create a remarkable piece that she made her own.

Here is a detail of that piece.

Erin Cork Woolfolk
Collaboration with Laura Strand

We were all pretty darn excited when Marci Rae McDade (yes, that Marci!) purchased this piece for her personal collection.

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